IF you are digital marketing personnel you must have some shortcuts!!! Here is RECAP::
Here I’m listing few of the tools which makes your task simpler and faster: If you need to analyse the websited on daily basis then you must have the extensions installed on your browser. The browser may varies depending upon your choice but im considering mostly used 1 Chrome and 2 Mozila firefox The few of extensions listed below: 1 Open SEO stat: Shows web rank and SEO stats of current web page, quick access to Geo IP Location, Whois, Alexa, backlinks, indexed pages and more. · Chrome extension · Firefox ectension This somewhat looks like... 2 SEO Minion : The SEO Minion helps streamline your daily SEO tasks such as On-Page SEO analysis, Broken Link Checking, SERP Preview and Location specific searches. 3 Google cache : Google cache is a chrome browser extension that allows the user to view a cac...